Online registration
Sign Up to Play!
If there is room in the bracket, we will enter your team. If the bracket is full, we will add you to the waiting list. Either way, we’ll be in touch soon.
If you did not play last year and are interested in being in the tournament this year, please use the form on this page or email Ed at ed.buehler@dennybuehler.org.
You will be contacted shortly after submitting your registration form about the status of your registration and whether you are in the tournament or on the wait list.
The tournament does fill up every year, so register early!
Tournament entry is $150 if the fee is paid prior to or at the date of the Draw or $200 if paid after. Checks can be made out to "DBMF" or "Denny Buehler Memorial Foundation" and mailed to P.O. Box 11586, Cincinnati, OH 45211.
Can your team top the perennial tournament champions?